Friday, 28 February 2020

A few good hikes

When we decided to come back to New Zealand, we vowed that we would do more hiking than our last visit here. Last time we spent nearly the entire time in the car trying to see as much of the two islands as we could in 3 weeks time. Mind you, we did a little hiking on that trip but not nearly to the extent or duration we desired. So with an opportunity to stay in one place and explore our surroundings (and borrowing my friend Meg’s car to get us from A to B), I downloaded a hikers app and we set off to a couple of good hikes around the area. Our legs are feeling the results of a few uphill climbs but the views from the top made all the hard work worthwhile.
Here’s some highlights from our 3 days of hiking;

Day 1
Sledge track trail
Hiked up to Ross Creek, straight 20 minute incline which nearly ruined Shawn, then back down the orange & purple bike/walking paths back to the car park: 3 hour return on a hot sunny afternoon. 
Views on the way down...
Views on the way up!😍

A little bit of everything. 

Starting to heat up🥵
Views from the top made the strenuous hike up worth effort!

Day 2
Arepaepae Lookout Track-Levin
The first 2350m (2.35km) were uphill. We did it in under an hour-barely!
Then we went the wrong way for another kilometre before turning around and finally finding the lookout...
However, we hit the jackpot of blackberries on the way so not all was lost-and Heather did not get hangry! ...gorging on fresh berries along the way😜
Finally found the lookout...2hrs later. Overlooking Levin & the Pacific Ocean.
 Another hour hike downhill for a totally of 3 hours + burning calves. 🦵 

Day 3
Tawa Loop trail 1.5hr return

Walking in the gorge 

Shaded walk through the forest-a nice reprieve from the heat especially when hiking uphill.

Stop at the top with Whatonga: 12th century Chief made of galvanized steel

White Horse Rapids Lookout

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