Friday, 4 April 2014

Elephant Village

After cancelling our 2 day bike/track/elephants/village stay due to sickness (me), we changed our plans to a full day of training with the elephants. It's called learning how to be a Mahout or elephant trainer. All of the elephants at this sanctuary came from poor conditions in the lodging industry and now have a new life with amazing trainers and guests alike. 
Check it out!

Here's what our day looked like:

First things first-how to ride an elephant. Here we learned the Laos commands for riding the elephants. "How how"STOP, "Pai Pai GO, and my favourite "Di Li" GOOD GIRL
...and that she was!

This is Maxi. He is the first ever born into the elephant camp. His mother was recused from the logging industry and came to the camp pregnant. After 2yrs, she gave born to Maxi who is now 10 months old. He's such a playful guy.

Bath time for mom and Maxi by one of the two trainers. He's a feisty little thing;)

Now our turn to give these gentle giants a bath. So refreshing!

The elephants loved to be bathed and play around too. As you can see...

All clean and really to retire for the rest of the day I the jungle. 

Now time for our rest. Cooling off in the villages pool.


  1. So Heather,
    Just what exactly have you trained Shawn to do? And just how did the elephants help?

    1. haha Cam, he's a tougher to train than the elephants for sure lol
