Friday, 4 April 2014

Luang Prabang, Laos

It's hard to sum of our 6 days spent in Luang Prabang. Maybe it was all the temples (33 in all), or the nights spend wondering through the market for food and drink, or the 39 degree heat of the day...
So here's a snap shot of our time well spent.
Just a few of the many temples scattered around this ancient city in the Old Quarter.
The last morning we woke up to view the Alms giving, the Buddhist monks collection of food by the people which occurs at 5:30am each and every morning.

Morning markets wondering after the Alms giving. 
Locals selling fresh veg, fish, fruits, meats, and herbs. As fresh as it comes here.

Wondering through the night market every night never ceased to amaze. The dizzying lights and coloured textiles were truly magical. An interesting find was the snake scorpion blended with whiskey in a bottle. Not sure what to make of this one?
Buying fruit juices from the street stands became a nightly occurrence (left)

A 32km tuk tuk ride out to the Kuang Si waterfalls whisked us out of the congested traffic in the old city and into the mountains and nearby villages, crossing over rickety wooden bridges. 

The Bear Sanctuary at Kuang Si Waterfalls. 
Now that's what I call chillin'

Bears of the world. 

Beautiful cascading turquoise waterfalls spilling from one pool down to the next. 
Jumping into the chilled waters of one of the many pools was sooooo refreshing!

Somehow I think the middle line has no meaning...

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